University of Manitoba
U NIVERSITY OF M ANITOBA | Department of Psychology

Developmental Psychology
Warren O. Eaton

Warren Eaton

Developmental Psychology Research

Developmental Milestones
Developmental Trajectories
Physical Maturation
Motor Activity Level
Activity Gender Differences and Stereotypes
Favored Developmental Research Methods
Developmental Psychology Research and Presentations
Graduate Study Research

Developmental Psychology Courses

Graduate School in Developmental Psychology

University of Manitoba, Canada
Contact Warren Eaton Contact Warren Eaton

Infant Development Milestone Study

Infant Development Milestone Study

Interested in research on Infant Development? Contact the Infant Development Milestone Study. We are looking for graduate students to work on our project.

Activity Gender Differences and Stereotypes

Gender differences in activity are believed by some researchers to be an illusion based on sex stereotypes. However, we have shown, using instruments worn by many children over several days, that the differences are real and begin to appear in infancy.

More about Activity Level .

  • Many toys are stereotyped for gender roles (e.g., trucks are for boys, dolls for girls).
  • Typically, the sex-role valence of a toy is associated with its activity eliciting properties in that "masculine" toys elicit more motor activity than "feminine" toys.
  • Does a preschooler choose a toy because of its sex-role value or its activity-eliciting properties?
  • We (Eaton, von Bargen, & Keats, 1981) experimentally manipulated descriptions on unseen toys to create a dilemma forcing the choice of one dimension (sex role vs. activity level) over the other (children were between 3- and 6-years of age).
  • 78% of children choose on the basis of sex appropriateness.
  • The greater the child's understanding of the stability of gender over time, the stronger the importance of sex appropriateness as a toy choice criterion.




Attention Task
Attention Task

Activity Differences
Activity Differences

Warren Eaton | Developmental Psychology Research | Developmental Psychology Research and Presentations | Graduate Study Research
Developmental Psychology Courses | Graduate School in Developmental Psychology | University of Manitoba, Canada | Contact Warren Eaton

Developmental Milestones | Developmental Trajectories | Physical Maturation | Motor Activity Level
Activity Gender Differences and Stereotypes | Favored Developmental Research Methods


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