U NIVERSITY OF M ANITOBA | Department of Psychology

Developmental Psychology
Warren O. Eaton

Warren Eaton

Developmental Psychology Research

Developmental Milestones
Developmental Trajectories
Physical Maturation
Motor Activity Level
Activity Gender Differences and Stereotypes
Favored Developmental Research Methods
Developmental Psychology Research and Presentations
Graduate Study Research

Developmental Psychology Courses

Graduate School in Developmental Psychology

University of Manitoba, Canada
Contact Warren Eaton Contact Warren Eaton

Infant Development Milestone Study

Infant Development Milestone Study

Interested in research on Infant Development? Contact the Infant Development Milestone Study. We are looking for graduate students to work on our project.

Developmental Milestones

The Developmental Milestones Study

The Infant Developmental Milestones Study

This is an ongoing longitudinal study of more than 550

  • infants and babies
  • toddlers, and
  • preschoolers.

Parents complete daily parent checklists to identify the ages when children reach key development milestones like

  • sitting,
  • crawling, and
  • walking.

Other infancy abilities are measured and include

  • joint attention
  • deferred imitation
  • size (weight, length, head circumference)

At two years, participants are assessed on language and cognitive ability measures.

Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

New Research Directions and Innovations
  • Kids vary in rate of development through milestones like sitting, walking, talking, and puberty
  • Little is known about what causes the variability in rates
  • Good descriptions of their paths (developmental trajectories) are needed but are virtually non-existent
  • We use Milestone Age by plotting ages of attainment for near-universal milestones like sitting, crawling, and walking
Milestone age is plotted above for two infants, one advanced (A) and one delayed (B) The dotted line is the trajectory for a baby who attained all milestones at the 50th percentile, and the bars along the vertical axis indicate the median ages for various milestones.

More details about the Milestone Study



Infant Standing
Stands Alone

Baby Crawling
Hands-and-knees Crawling

Measuring Head Circumference
Measuring Infant Head Circumference

Weighing Infant
Weighing Infant

Block Test
Block Test

Deferred Imitation
Deferred Imitation

Joint Attention
Joint Attention

Warren Eaton | Developmental Psychology Research | Developmental Psychology Research and Presentations | Graduate Study Research
Developmental Psychology Courses | Graduate School in Developmental Psychology | University of Manitoba, Canada | Contact Warren Eaton

Developmental Milestones | Developmental Trajectories | Physical Maturation | Motor Activity Level
Activity Gender Differences and Stereotypes | Favored Developmental Research Methods


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