1. C. Ho, “Development of Photovoltaic Inverter Technologies” Keynote Speaker, IEEE SEGE, 13 Aug. 2019, Oshawa, Canada.
2. C. Ho, “Power Electronics in DC Mircogrids for Connecting Communities” Penal Speech, IEEE SEGE, 14 Aug. 2019, Oshawa, Canada.
3. C. Ho, “Power Quality Improvement and Energy Saving of Dimmable LED Lighting Network using a Single Power Apparatus” Technical Seminar, IEEE Toronto PELS Chapter, 15 Aug. 2019, Toronto, Canada.
4. C. Ho, “Fast Dynamic Control - Applications of Power Quality Conditioning and PV MPP Tracking” Technical Seminar, University of Macau, 11 Dec. 2019, Macau, China.
1. C. Ho, “Manitoba Inverter – Single Phase Single-Stage Buck-Boost VSI Topology” UofA ECE Department Seminar, University of Alberta, 20 Mar. 2018, Edmonton, Canada.
2. C. Ho, “Power Quality Improvement and Energy Saving of LED Lighting Network using a Single Power Apparatus” YorkU Seminar, York University, 10 Oct. 2018, Toronto, Canada.
1. C. Ho, “Common Mode Voltage Issue of PV Inverters”, Lecture, Manitoba HVDC Research Centre, 05 Dec. 2017, Winnipeg, Canada.
2. C. Ho, “Introduction of RIGA Lab and Recent Advances in PV Inverters” Seminar, China South Grid, 13 Sept. 2017, Guangzhou, China.
3. C. Ho, “Active Virtual Ground – New PFC and VSI Topologies” School of Electric Power Seminar, South China University of Technology, 12 Sept. 2017, Guangzhou, China.
4. C. Ho, “Evaluation of Solar Inverter using Power-hardware-in-the-loop Simulation (PHILS)”, RTDS Applications and Technology Conference, 17 May 2017, Winnipeg, Canada.
1. C. Ho, “Active Virtual Ground – New PFC and VSI Topologies”, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, 31 Oct. 2016, Freiburg, Germany.
2. C. Ho, “Grid-Connected Solar Inverter Topologies”, UofM ECE Department Seminar, University of Manitoba, 13 Jun. 2016, Winnipeg, Canada.
1. C. Ho, “An Effective Power Quality Conditioner for Steady-state and Transient Power Quality Issues” Power Quality& Advanced Technologies Interest Group (PQAT) 2015 Fall General Meeting, 6 Oct. 2015, Winnipeg, Canada.
2. C. Ho, “Introduction of Power Grids and Solar Inverters” School of Electric Power Seminar, South China University of Technology, 09 Jun. 2015, Guangzhou, China.
1. C. Ho, “Grid Converters in Future Smart Grids.” Mechanical Engineering Seminar, Columbia University, 31 Oct. 2014, New York, USA.
2. C. Ho, “Introduction of Power Grids and Solar Inverters” Mechanical Engineering Seminar, Columbia University, 31 Oct. 2014, New York, USA.