Flexible, isoform-level differential expression analysis

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Documentation for package ‘ballgown’ version 2.10.0

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ballgown-package The ballgown package for analysis of transcript assemblies
annotate_assembly match assembled transcripts to annotated transcripts
Ballgown Ballgown
ballgown constructor function for ballgown objects
ballgown-class Ballgown
ballgown-constructor constructor function for ballgown objects
ballgownp The ballgown package for analysis of transcript assemblies
ballgownrsem load RSEM data into a ballgown object
bg Toy ballgown object
checkAssembledTx plot annotated and assembled transcripts together
clusterTranscripts group a gene's assembled transcripts into clusters
collapseTranscripts cluster a gene's transcripts and calculate cluster-level expression
contains determine if one set of GRanges fully contains any of another set of GRanges
dirs extract paths to tablemaker output
dirs-method extract paths to tablemaker output
eexpr extract exon-level expression measurements from ballgown objects
eexpr-method extract exon-level expression measurements from ballgown objects
expr extract expression components from ballgown objects
expr-method extract expression components from ballgown objects
expr<- Replacement method for expr slot in ballgown objects
expr<--method Replacement method for expr slot in ballgown objects
exprfilter subset ballgown objects using an expression filter
geneIDs get gene IDs from a ballgown object
geneIDs-method get gene IDs from a ballgown object
geneNames get gene names from a ballgown object
geneNames-method get gene names from a ballgown object
getAttributeField extract a specific field of the "attributes" column of a data frame created from a GTF/GFF file
getGenes label assembled transcripts with gene names
gexpr extract gene-level expression measurements from ballgown objects
gexpr-method extract gene-level expression measurements from ballgown objects
gffRead read in GTF/GFF file as a data frame
gffReadGR read in gtf file as GRanges object
iexpr extract transcript-level expression measurements from ballgown objects
iexpr-method extract transcript-level expression measurements from ballgown objects
indexes extract the indexes from ballgown objects
indexes-method extract the indexes from ballgown objects
indexes<- Replace method for indexes slot in ballgown objects
indexes<--method Replace method for indexes slot in ballgown objects
last get the last element
mergedDate extract package version & creation date from ballgown object
mergedDate-method extract package version & creation date from ballgown object
pctOverlap calculate percent overlap between two GRanges objects
pData extract phenotype data from a ballgown object
pData-method extract phenotype data from a ballgown object
pData<- Replacement method for pData slot in ballgown objects
pData<--method Replacement method for pData slot in ballgown objects
plotLatentTranscripts cluster assembled transcripts and plot the results
plotMeans visualize transcript abundance by group
plotTranscripts visualize structure of assembled transcripts
sampleNames get names of samples in a ballgown objects
sampleNames-method get names of samples in a ballgown objects
seqnames get sequence (chromosome) names from ballgown object
seqnames-method get sequence (chromosome) names from ballgown object
stattest statistical tests for differential expression in ballgown
structure extract structure components from ballgown objects
structure-method extract structure components from ballgown objects
subset subset ballgown objects to specific samples or genomic locations
subset-method subset ballgown objects to specific samples or genomic locations
texpr extract transcript-level expression measurements from ballgown objects
texpr-method extract transcript-level expression measurements from ballgown objects
tGene Connect a transcript to its gene
transcriptIDs get numeric transcript IDs from a ballgown object
transcriptIDs-method get numeric transcript IDs from a ballgown object
transcriptNames get transcript names from a ballgown object
transcriptNames-method get transcript names from a ballgown object
writeFiles write files to disk from ballgown object