Uses of Class

Packages that use DataList

Uses of DataList in AFLPcore

Methods in AFLPcore that return DataList
 DataList Gel.getLanes()
          Gives a list of all of the lanes in the gel.
 DataList Gel.getSelectedLanes()
          Gives a list of all of the selected lanes in the gel.
 DataList Gel.getBins()
          Gives a list of all the bins in the gel.
 DataList Lane.getPeaksInRange(double min, double max)
          Produces a list of peaks that are in the given range.
 DataList Lane.getPeaks()
          Gives the list of peaks in the lane.
 DataList Lane.getCutoffs()
          Returns the list of cutoffs associated with this lane.
 DataList DataList.completeClone()
          Creates a new list that is identical to this one with a completely seperate copy of the data in the list.

Methods in AFLPcore with parameters of type DataList
abstract  void SizeFunction.init(DataList standardPoints)
          This should be used to initialize the sizing function with a set of known peaks.
 void NoSize.init(DataList standardPeaks)
          Since this class does not really perform any sizing and instead just assumes that size=scan#, there is no need to initialize it with known points.
abstract  java.lang.String[] ScoreFunction.getInfo(java.lang.String[] labels, DataList peaks)
          Should provide overall information about a bin scored with this method.
abstract  java.lang.String ScoreFunction.score(Cutoff cutoff, DataList peaks)
          Gives a label for a lane with the specified cutoff and the specified peaks.
 void DataList.copyList(DataList dest)
          Copies the data in this list to the specified destination.
 void Bin.score(DataList lanes)
          Scores this bin using the scoring method set and the lanes specified.
 void Bin.scoreOverall(DataList lanes)
          Sets the overall scoring information for the bin.
 java.lang.String SegregatingScore.score(Cutoff cutoff, DataList peaks)
          Scores a lane by seeing if any of the peaks cross the highest cutoff, and then labeling it appropriately.
 java.lang.String[] SegregatingScore.getInfo(java.lang.String[] tags, DataList peaks)
          This returns a set of strings that describes the overall scoring of the bin.
abstract  void PeakLocate.findPeak(DataList lanes, double minSize, double maxSize)
          Finds the peaks in the given lanes and only finds those whose size is greater than or equal to minSize and less than or equal to maxSize.
 void HighestPeakLocate.findPeak(DataList lanes, double minSize, double maxSize)
          Finds a peak in each lane and saves it in the lane.
abstract  void LaneOperation.doLaneOp(DataList lanes)
          This performs some sort of operation on a set of lanes.
abstract  void BinOperation.doBinOp(DataList bins)
          This performs some sort of operation on all of the bins
 void LocalSouthern.init(DataList standardPeaks)
          This takes a list of peaks with the location containing the size in base pairs, and the AREA must contain the scan number of that peak.

Uses of DataList in AFLPgui

Methods in AFLPgui that return DataList
 DataList Thumbnail.getLanes()
          Gives the lanes that are being displayed.

Methods in AFLPgui with parameters of type DataList
 void CutoffSlider.setLanes(DataList lanes)
          Sets the lanes known to the cutoff.
 void TraceView.init(Lane ln, DataList lanes)
          Sets the trace to the specified lane and sets the scales.
 void Thumbnail.setLanes(DataList lanes)
          Sets the lanes for which to display thumbnails to the specified value.
 void Thumbnail.setBinList(DataList bins)
          Sets the bins for the thumbnail.
abstract  void Graph.drawGraph(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height, int bottom_border, double scale, double minSize, double maxSize, DataList lanes)
          Draw some sort of graph given the specified parameters.
 void BarGraph.drawGraph(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height, int bottom_border, double scale, double minSize, double maxSize, DataList lanes)
          Draws the graph described in the class description.
protected  double BarGraph.findMax(DataList peakList)
          Finds the maximum height in a list of peaks.
 void ScatterGraph.drawGraph(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height, int bottom_border, double scale, double minSize, double maxSize, DataList lanes)
          Draw the scatter graph with the specified properties.
protected  double ScatterGraph.findMax(DataList peakList)
          Gives the maximum height for all of the peaks in the given list.
 void CutoffDialog.init(Cutoff ct, DataList lanes, double startPos)
          Initializes the CutoffDialog with important information.
 void GraphView.init(Bin bin, DataList lanes, DataList bins)
          Initialize the graph view.
 void BinDialog.setBins(DataList bins)
          The bins to display.

Constructors in AFLPgui with parameters of type DataList
Thumbnail(DataList lanes, DataList bins, java.awt.Frame parentWindow)
          Creates thumbnails with the specified parameters.
GraphView(DataList lanes, DataList bins, java.awt.Frame parentWindow)
          Create a new GraphView with the specified parameters.