Dr. Shirley Thompson -Natural Resources Institute
204‑474‑7170  |  s_thompson@umanitoba.ca

PowerPoint Presentations

- Northern Healthy Foods Initiative

- Food Security and Community food programs in Manitoba and Saskatchewan

- Making a Food Project Plan with my Community: Northern Manitoba

- Northern Healthy Foods Initiative Evaluation

- Northern Healthy Foods Initiative Evaluation Canadian Public Health Association 2009

- Evaluating the Northern Healthy Food Initiative: Impact on Aboriginal Communities

- Ecosystem Health in Northern Aboriginal Communities in Manitoba

- Adult Education Approaches, Dhaka 2008

- Why is Gender Key to Achieving the Millenium Development Goals?

- Environmental Justice: Exploring the dimensions(pdf)

- Sustainable Best Practices and Greenhouse Gas Emissions at Canada’s Landfills

- Policies leading to Zero Waste(pdf)

- Application of Situated Learning Theory to Skills Acquisition in Environmental Sciences

- Keynote Presentation Slides(pdf)