Dr. Shirley Thompson -Natural Resources Institute
204‑474‑7170  |  s_thompson@umanitoba.ca

Reading Course for Renewable Energy Policy and Politics - Course Outline (*.PDF)

Topics: Community wind; remote wind energy applications; remote hybrid energy systems; renewable energy policy; renewable energy y markets

Course Description:

This course aims to connect the technical progress of renewable energy with the political and policy aspects for moving a technology to market or adapting a technology for a given policy. The technical engineering background thirsts for an understanding of how to move technology to market, how to overcome political barriers and how to develop amiable policies to advance renewable energy technology, especially for remote or rural communities or communities suppressed by poverty. The advantage of a technical background in policy decision making is the understanding of the capacity and needs of the technology to be a success in a given community. The advantage of learning about the political aspects in policy making will allow for more technically-sound policies to be developed that have more beneficial attributes for the communities involved, rather than a policy written without a solid technical understanding of the needs and impacts of a technology on a community.