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Dr. Christine (Qiong) Wu Professor and NSERC Industrial Research Chair POST DOCTORAL FELLOWS/VISITING SCHOLARS CURRENTLY SUPERVISED (NAME/YEAR/PROJECTS): 1) Demin Zhao, Visiting Professor, May, 2013-May, 2013, Impact of Rubber Gasket THickness on Surface Pressure in Pressurized Environment GRADUATE STUDENTS CURRENTLY SUPERVISED (NAME/DEGREE/YEAR TO START/PROJECT): 11) Ali Azimi Oliaee, Ph.D., February, 2013, to be determined. 10) Khashayar Pejhen, Ph.D., September, 2012, Vehicle structural dynamics 9) Nishant Balakrishnan, M.Sc., September, 2012, Design energy-efficient active bipedal walkers 8) Yun-Hsiang Sun, Ph.D., September, 2011, Development of Energy-Efficient Bipedal Walking Robots. 7) Graham Leverick, M.Sc., September, 2011, Entropy Measures in Dynamical Systems and Their Viability in Characterizing Bipedal Walking Gait Dynamics. 6) Alireza Armion, Ph.D., January, 2011, Modelling and stability evaluation of heavy on-road vehicles . 5) Prasad Wadduwage Ph.D. (co-supervised with Dr. U.Anakkage, ECE), January, 2011, Stability analysis of power systems 4) Sobhan Sadri, Ph.D. September, 2010, Yaw and roll stability analysis via the concept of Lyapunov's exponents . 3) Mansoor Alghooneh, Ph.D. August, 2010, Development of stable and energy-efficient bipedal walking robots. 2) Sushil Doranga, Ph.D. May, 2010, On effective durability testing for ground vehicles. 1) Yuming Sun, Ph.D. January 2009, Optimal stability control of a biped based on the concept of Lyapunov exponents . UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS CURRENTLY SUPERVISED (NAME/YEAR/PROJECT): *Recipient of NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Awards 4) *Sykora, C.S. Load Path Index Analysis of Mechine components 2013 3) # Bartel, A. Experiemntal Stress Analysis of Rubber Gusket/Oil Pipe interactions 2013 2) Entz S. Stress Anaysis of Motoro Coach during towing 2013 1) *Maryniuk, R. Stress ANalyiss of Parcel Rack of Motor Coaches 2013 POST DOCTORAL FELLOWS SUPERVISED (NAME/YEAR/PROJECTS): 4) Dr. Swain R. 2009-2010, Evaluation of the Mechanical efficacy of Splints for Dynamic Forearm Rotational Splinting. 3) Dr. Caixia Yang, 2007-2010, On lab-based accelerated vibration testing for motor coaches 2) Dr. Xuping Mu, 2005, Dynamic modeling of bipedal walking 1). Dr. Chuwang Cheng, 1999-2000, On reduction of repetitive strain injuries using a computer modeling approach VISITING SCHOLARS AND VISITING GRADUATE STUDENTS SUPERVISED (NAME/YEAR/PROJECT): 2) Dr. Yunpin Liu, visiting scholar, 2012, Dynamic modelling of quadruped walking 1) Ehsan Kouchaki, visiting Ph,.D. student , 2010-2011, Effect of toe joints on balancing control of a biped during standing GRADUATE STUDENTS GRADUATED (NAME/DEGREE/YEAR/PROJECT): 19) Derek Koop, M.Sc. 2012, Dynamics and stability of passive dynamic walking robots using an advanced model 18) Mostofa Ali Sarkar, M.Sc.(co-supervised with Dr. L. Wang, Statistics), 2012, Event identification of the testing field for durability tests of ground vehicles 17) A.K.M. Shafiullah M.Sc. 2012, Development of a Computer-Aided Accelerated Durability Testing Method for Ground Vehicel Components 16) Xu, Ke, M.Sc. 2011, Development of Vibration Loading Profiles for Accelerated Durability Tests of Ground Vehicels 15) Kazi Roshdi, M.Sc. 2011, Experimental Study on Passive Dynamic Bipedal Walking: Effects of Parameter Changes on Gait Patterns 14). Jeremy Silcox, M.Eng. 2010, Design of the suspension system for mountain bikes. 13). Daniel Giesbrecht, M.Sc. 2010, Design and Optimization of a 1-D 8-link Legged Walking Mechanism 12). Reza Ghobani, Ph.D., 2008, On Controllable Stiffness Bipedal Walking 11). Xiangpeng Wang, M.Sc., 2008 , Balance Control for a Standing Biped and Stability Analysis using the Concept of Lyapunov Exponents 10). Xinzheng Wang, M.Sc. (co-supervised with Dr. N.Sepehri), 2007, Calculation of Negative Lyapunov Exponents Using a Time Series for Potentially Stable Systems 9). Caixia Yang, Ph.D., 2007, Balance Control of Constrained Bipedal Standing and Stability Analysis Using the Concept of Lyapunov Exponents 8). GuangQuan Song, M.Sc., 2005, Three-Dimensional Finite Element Stress Analysis of Post-Core Restored Endodontically Treated Teeth 7). Xiuping Mu, Ph.D., 2004, Dynamics and motion regulation of a five-link biped robot walking in the sagittal plane 6). Sekhavat Pooya, Ph.D., (co-supervised with Dr. N.Sepehri), 2004, Design and Stability Analysis of a Switching Contact Task Controller for Hydraulic Actuators 5) Bin Ma, M.Sc., 2003, Study of repeatable gait for plannar five-link biped walking on level ground 4) Jason Lusk, M.Sc., 2003, Center of Pressure Migration during Prolonged Unconstrained Sitting 3) Arun Deep Singh, M.Eng, 2002, Experimental set-up for gait comparison of amputees wearing different prosthetic feet 2) Amy Chan, M.Sc., 2000, Dynamic modeling, control and simulation of a planar five-link bipedal walking system 1) Ryan Swain, M.Sc., 1999, Stability and control of a two-link inverted pendulum system with application to human trunk movement during walking UNDERGRADUATE SUMMER RESEARCH STUDENTS SUPERVISED (NAME/YEAR/PROJECT): *Recipient of NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Awards (17/23) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmcc ^Students graduated and continued to graduate studies (14/23) 29 Chan, K., 2012, Experimental vibration analysis 28 *Kowbel, D., 2012, Design and build a fully sensored passive dynamic walker 27 *Streuber, G., 2012 Vehicle structural dynamics26 * ^Leverick, G., 2010, Design and build a kinetic sculpture floating in water 25 ^Cull, S. 2010, Failure analysis of HVAC module using the Fractograpics method 24 ^Zhang, P., 2010, Features abstraction from the acceleration data obtained from field durability tests 23 *^Leverick, G., 2009, Acceleration analysis of a motor coach with various road conditions during the field tests 22 *^Cull, S., 2009, Generating loading profiles for accelerated durability tests of a motor coach 21 *^Koop, D., 2009, Comparison of gait patterns of a passive biped walking on a ramp and a treadmill 20 Nesbitt, M., 2008, Design of a passive dynamic quadruped 19 *^Koop, D., 2008, Design and Testing of Passive Dynamics Walking 18 *^Ferley, D., 2008, Design and Testing of Passive Dynamics Walking 17 ^Chen J., 2007, On Passive Dynamic Walking 16 *^Joyce, G. 2006, Dynamic modeling of human forearm 15 *^Joyce, G., 2005, Effects of constraints between the foot-link and the ground on standing of a biped 2005 14. *^Robin, K., 2002, Development of computer software for amputees' gait comparison 13. *Sadet, N., 2002, Study of stable gait of Yanni, a passive dynamic walker 12. *^Yazdani, F., 2002, Simulation of mechanisms 11. *^Robin, K., 2001, Gait comparison of amputees' gait 10. *^Ho, D., 2001, Failure analysis of post-core reinforced endodontically treated teeth 9. *^Summerfield, S. , 2001, Biomechanics 8. Pearn, S., 2001, Preliminary failure analysis of prosthetic feet 7. *Roteski, R. 2000, Preliminary gait comparison of amputees 6. *^Karpenko, M., 2000, Photoelastic stress analysis of cracked disc 5. *^Karpenko, M., 1999, Photoelastic stress analysis of cracked disc 4. *^Glockner, S., 1999, Development of computer software for gait analysis 3. *Mathew, 1999, Motion analysis of a robot arm 2. ^Beiglater, D., 1999, Research on how we sit 1. ^Beiglater, D., 1998, Testing of various equipment for motion measurements |
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Contact Info | Christine Qiong Wu | E1-414 EITC | 204.474.8843 | cwu@cc.umanitoba.ca |