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Current News and EventsAugust 25-Mr. Doranga Prasad presented a paper "Investigation of the applicability of Lyapunov exponents for transient stability assessment" at IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference and received the Best Paper Award. The IEEE EPEC was held on August 21-23 in Halifax, Canada. Mr. Doranga is co-supervised by Dr. Annakkage and Dr. Wu. Congratulations, Prasad! August 19, 2013-The Group Fall Research Conference was held at GSA Lounge. Selected students presented his/her current reearch results. Dr. Wu gave a presentation "The History of Classical Stability Concepts: Lagrange, Poisson and Lyapunov Stability". A former Ph.D. student, Dr. Pooya Sekhvat, returned and gave a talk "Now That You Graduated, What Next?". Here are Dr. Sekhavat's abstract and Bio. Here is a group picture at the end of the conference, and here are more pictures. August 8, 2013- Mr. Graham Leverick successfully defended his M.Sc. thesis entitled "Entropy Measures in Dynamical Systems and Their Viability in Characterizing Bipedal Walking Gait Dynamics". Graham will present part of his work at ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference to be held at Standford University in October, 2013. Congratulations, Graham. Here is a picture after the defense. August 2, 2013- Dr. Wu recieved an NSERC ENGAGE of $25,000 on a project "Impact of rubber gasket thickness on surface pressure/loads in pressurized environments". The industrial partner is ProForma Engineering Ltd. June 10, 2013- The Group had the Annual Spring Research Conference. Each group member gave a talk on their research. Dr. Wu also gave a talk about research, communications, networkinng, etc. May 1, 2013- Four new research students joined the group, Mr. Connor Fry Sykora, Mr. Rhyse Marynuit, Mr. Alex Bartel and Scott Entz. Rhyse and Connor both received NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Awards, Alex received a UM Undergraduate Summer Research Awards. Welcome. April 25, 2013- Mr. Sobhan Sadri and Mr. Nishant Balakrishnan recieved University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships, Ph.D. and M.Sc. categories, respectively. Nishant is a recipient of NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship in 2012. Congrtulations to both Sobhan and Nishant. April 20, 2013- Dr. Demin Zhao joins my research group for one year as a visiting scholar. Dr. Zhao is an assistant professor from Chinese Petroleum Engineering, QingDao, China. Her research interest is nonlinear dynamics, specifically structural dynmaics with fluid and solid interactions. Welcome, Dr. Zhao. February 4, 2013- Mr. Ali Azimi Olyaei joined my research group as a Ph.D. student. His research interest is in nonlinear dynmacis. Welcome, Ali. January 28, 2013- The University of manitoba had a news release today announcing Dr. Christine Wu's NSERC Industrial Research Chair at the site of Motor Coach Industries Inc., the industrial sponsor for the NSERC IRC Program. Here is a picture. Here are two media coverages from Winnipeg Free Press and UM Bulletin. December 20, 2012- One of our papers “EFFECTS OF CONSTRAINTS ON STANDING BALANCE CONTROL OF A BIPED WITH TOE-JOINTS” by E. Kouchaki, C.Q. Wu and M.J. Sadigh, published by International Journal of Humanoid Robotics (Vol. 09, No. 03) is one of the top 5 most read articles of IJHR. The list of most read articles is updated daily based on the volume of full text article downloads. December 13, 2012- The group had the Christmas lunch at Sushi Gen, a Japaness/Koran restarant in Winnipeg. Here is a picture. November 1, 2012- Mr. Gregg Streuber won the 1st place in the Applied Sciences Category, 2012 UM Underferaduate Research Poster Competition. A record of 120 posters were on display. The posters were divided into 6 categories: Applied Sciences, Creative Works, Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Qualitative Research Group, Social Sciences/ Humanities. Gregg did his summer research in my lab with an NSERC Undergrdauate Summer Research Award. Congratulations, Gregg. Here is a picture.
Dr. Christine Wu was awarded an NSERC IRC on Heavy Ground Vehilces and Transportation Equipment. Pictureed Mr. Jim MacDonad, Executive Director of Engineering (MCI, 1st left), Pemila Moores, Director of NSERC Partnership Program (2nd left), Dr. Christine Wu (middle) and Dr. Digvir Jayas, VP-Research and International (right). Mr. Gregg Streuber (middle) won the 1st place in the Applied Sciences Category, 2012 UM Underferaduate Research Poster Competition. A record of 120 posters were on display. Pictured with Dr. Digvir Jayas, VP-Research and International (right) and Dr. James Blatz, Associate VP-Partnerships (left). The legged walking mechanism similar to the kinetic sculpture created by Mr. Theo Jansen. Our mechanism was designed by Mr. Daniel Giesbrecht using the mechanism design theory and optimization. Dexter III, a passive dynamic walker equipped with sensors. It was designed and built by Mr. Derek Koop. |