Journal of
Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence
(JETWI, ISSN 1798-0461)
Website: http://academypublisher.com/jetwi/
(Mirror: http://academypublisher.net/jetwi/)
Professor Sabah Mohammed, PhD, PEng
Dept. Computer Science, Lakehead Univ., Canada
Email: jetwi.editorial@gmail.com
The Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence (JETWI), a peer reviewed and indexed international journal, aims at gathering the latest advances of various topics in web intelligence and reporting how organizations can gain competitive advantages by applying the different emergent techniques in the real-world scenarios. The primary target audience for the journal includes researchers, scholars, postgraduate students and developers who are interested in Web intelligence and Emerging Technologies research and related issues. The journal will provide reviews of the cutting–edge technologies and insights for using intelligence at Web-based systems. In particular, the journal will be valuable library reference for research fellows, postgraduate and senior undergraduate students who are researching Web intelligence. Moreover, the new journal seeks to collaborate with major societies and international conferences in the fields. Papers and studies which couple the intelligence techniques and theories with specific web technology problems are mainly targeted. Survey and tutorial articles that emphasize the research and application of web intelligence in a particular domain are also welcomed.
- Web 3.0
- Enterprise Mashup
- Ambient Intelligence (AmI)
- Situational Applications
- Emerging Web-based Systems
- Ambient Awareness
- Ambient and Ubiquitous Learning
- Ambient Assisted Living
- Telepresence
- Lifelong Integrated Learning
- Smart Environments
- Web 2.0 and Social intelligence
- Context Aware Ubiquitous Computing
- Intelligent Brokers and Mediators
- Web Mining and Farming
- Wisdom Web
- Web Security
- Web Information Filtering and Access Control Models
- Web Services and Semantic Web
- Human-Web Interaction
- Web Technologies and Protocols
- Web Agents and Agent-based Systems
- Agent Self-organization, Learning, and Adaptation
- Agent-based Knowledge Discovery
- Agent-mediated Markets
- Knowledge Grid and Grid intelligence
- Knowledge Management, Networks, and Communities
- Agent Infrastructure and Architecture
- Agent-mediated Markets
- Cooperative Problem Solving
- Distributed Intelligence and Emgergent Behavior
- Information Ecology
- Mediators and Middlewares
- Granular Computing for the Web
- Ontology Engineering
- Personalization Techniques
- Semantic Web
- Web based Support Systems
- Web based Information Retrieval Support Systems
- Web Services, Services Discovery & Composition
- Ubiquitous Imaging and Multimedia
- Wearable, Wireless and Mobile e-interfacing
- E-Applications
Submission Types
JETWI provides three venues for manuscript submission:
Regular Research Paper (RRP)
A regular research paper is a full-length, technically original research document that reports results of major and archival research values that comprise the journal audience.
Conference Research Paper (CRP)
Submissions of previously published in conference proceedings are eligible for consideration provided that the author informs the Editors at the time of submission and that the submission has undergone substantial revision. In the new submission, authors are required to cite the previous publication and very clearly indicate how the new submission offers substantively novel or different contributions beyond those of the previously published work. The paper submitting to the journal should differ from the previously published material by at least 30 percent and it needs to have a different title.
Rising Scholar Research Paper (RSP)
This is a short paper (5 to 6 pages) designed for graduate students (i.e. MSc/PhD). The RSP should provide in depth research examination of the state of the art in an area covered by JETWI research scope. The RSP authors should demonstrate that they have a critical perspective of the area, and that they are aware of open problems and research opportunities. Although RSP authors may not themselves have contributed to the area, they should be as informed and analytical as those who work in it.
Author Guidelines available at: http://academypublisher.com/jetwi/authorguide.html.