POINCaRe System
POINCaRe is a computer application designed for image similarity analysis and content based image retrieval. It was developed as part of Amir Meghdadi's Ph.D. thesis, completed in Computational Intelligence Laboratory at the University of Manitoba. This image analysis system is an outgrowth of several years of intensive research on the image resemblance problem. POINCaRe was originally written in MATLAB but is now available as a standalone executable program. POINCaRe is named after Jules Henri Poincaré (1854 - 1912), whose work on the philosophical aspects of the contrast between the mathematical and physical continua that led to the idea of tolerance space theory. POINCaRe can be also read as the initials for: (Program for Object and Image Nearness Comparison and Recognition). POINCaRe can be used to calculate similarity between two single images or between a single image and a set of images.

POINCaRe System poincare_win64_v1.zip (2.95MB)1
UM CI Laboratory TR-CI-17-Jan-2012:: POINCaRe: A User Guide (1.03MB)
1Please report any bugs to meghdadi@ee.umanitoba.ca