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  1. Puzio, L., Peters, J.F., Nearness of subtly different digital images, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 6954 (J.T. Yao, S. Ramanna, G. Wang, and Z. Suraj, eds.), Springer, Berlin, 2011, 543–552
  2. Ramanna, S., Peters, J.F., Approach space framework for image database classification, In Tech (Berlin), Springer, 2011, 1–15.
  3. Peters, J.F., Metric spaces for near sets, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 5(2), 2011, 73-78.
  4. Peters, J.F., Naimpally, S.A., Applications of near sets, American Math. Soc. Notices, 2012, to appear.
  5. Henry, C., Peters, J.F., Neighbourhood-based cybernetic vision systems, Cybernetics and Systems, 42 (1), 2011, 33-44.
  6. Henry, C., Peters, J.F., Arthritic Hand-Finger Movement Similarity Measurements: Tolerance Near Set Approach, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2011:569898, 2011, 1-18.
  7. Wasilewski, P., Peters, J.F., Ramanna, S. Perceptual tolerance intersection, Transactions on Rough Sets XIII, 2011, 159-174.
  8. Fashandi, H., Peters, J.F., A Fuzzy Topological Framework for Classifying Image Databases, Int. J. Intelligent Systems, 26 (7),2011, 621-635.
  9. Meghdadi, A., Peters, J.F., Perceptual tolerance neighborhood-based similarity in content-based image retrieval and classification, Int. J. of Intell. Comp. and Cyb., 2012, to appear.
  10. Patnaik, K.S., Peters, J.F., Sahoo, G., Temperature variation near actor critic learning for swarms that Learn, Iranian J. of Electrical \& Computer Engineering, 2010, submitted.
  11. Ramanna, S., Meghdadi, A.H., Peters, J.F., Nature-inspired framework for measuring visual image resemblance: A near rough set approach, Theoretical Comp. Sci., 412 (42), 2011,5926-5938.
  12. P. Wasilewski, J.F. Peters, and S. Ramanna, Perceptual tolerance intersection, in Trans. on Rough Sets XIII, 2011, 159–174
  13. Ramanna, S., Peters, J.F., Meghdadi, A.H., Near Rough Sets and Object Recognition, Information Sciences. An International Journal, 2010, submitted.
  14. Ramanna, S., Peters, J.F., Wu, W-Z. Content-Based Image Retrieval: Perceptually Near Tolerance Rough Set Approach. Journal of Zhejiang Ocean University (Natural Science) 29 (5), 2010, 462-471, ISSN 1008-830X..
  15. Atrey, K. P., Ibrahim, H., Ramanna, S., Saddik, A.E. Determining Trust in Media-rich Websites using Semantic Similarity. Springer Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, submitted.
  16. Bhatt, R., Ramanna, S., Peters, J.F. Approximating Parameterized Fuzzy Membership Functions from Clustered Raw Data. Int. J. of Fuzzy Systems and Rough Systems, 2010, in press.
  17. Ramanna, S. Image Analysis in Poincar´e-Peters Perceptual Representative Spaces. A near set approach In: Kawsnicka, H., Jain, L. (Eds.), Innovations in Intelligent Image Analysis, Berlin, Springer, 2011, 163-194.
  18. Peters, J.F., Corrigenda and addenda: Tolerance near sets and image correspondence, Int. J. Bio-Inspired Computation, 2(5), 2010, 310-318.
  19. Wasilewski, P., Peters, J.F., Ramanna, S., Perceptual tolerance intersection, Proceedings of the International Conference on Rough Sets and and Current Trends in Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6086, Berlin, Springer, 2010, 277-286.
  20. Ramanna, S. Perceptually near Pawlak partitions. Transactions on Rough Sets, XII, LNCS 6190, 2010, Feb. 2010, 170-191.
  21. Peters, J.F., Skowron, A., Eds., Transactions on Rough Sets XI, 2010,
  22. Ramanna, S., Meghdadi, A. Measuring resemblances between swarm behaviours: A perceptual tolerance near set approach. Fundamenta Informaticae 95 (4), 2009, 533-552, doi: 10.3233/FI-2009-163, available at
  23. Lockery, D., Peters, J.F., Taswell, C. CTGaming: A problem-orientated registry for clinical telegraming rehabilitation and intervention, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, 3 (1), 2011, 28-37.
  24. Henry, C., Peters, J.F., Near sets, Wikipedia, 2009.
  25. Pal, S., Peters, J.F., Rough Fuzzy Image Analysis. Foundations and Methodologies. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2010. ISBN 13:978-1-4398-0329-5. Available at: Routledge, and CRC Press.