Department of Statistics
University of Manitoba
Methodology Research
  1. Afzali E, Muthukumarana S, Wang L. (2024). Navigating interpretability and alpha control in GF-KCSD testing with measurement error: A Kernel approach. Machine Learning with Applications.
  2. Xue L, Wang L. (2024). Instrumental variable method for regularized estimation in generalized linear measurement error models. Econometrics, 12:21.
  3. Wang X, Kong L, Wang L. (2024). Estimation of sparse covariance matrix via non-convex regularization. Journal of Multivariate Analysis.
  4. Song Q, Wang L, Wang L. (2023). Two-stage shrunken least squares estimator and its superiority. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods.
  5. Wang X, Kong L, Zhuang X, Wang L. (2023). Variance estimation in high-dimensional linear regression via adaptive elastic-net. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization.
  6. Wang Q, Wang L, Wang L. (2023). Bayesian instrumental variable estimation in linear meaurement error models. Canadian Journal of Statistics.
  7. Wang X, Kong L, Wang L. (2023). Numerical optimization and computation for second-order least squares estimation. Pacific Journal of Optimization, 19, 315-334.
  8. Wang X, Kong L, Wang L, Yang Z. (2023). High-dimensional covariance estimation via constrained Lq-type regularization. Mathematics, 11(4): 1022.
  9. Jiang J, Wang L, Wang L. (2022). Approximate Bayesian estimator for the parameter vector in linear models with multivariate t distribution errors. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods.
  10. Salamh M, Wang L. (2022). Identifiability and estimation of autoregressive ARCH models with measurement error. In W. He, L. Wang, J. Chen, C. Lin (eds), Advances and Innovations in Statistics and Data Sciences, pp. 235-255, Springer.
  11. Wang X, Kong L, Wang L. (2022). Estimation of error variance in regularized regression models via adaptive lasso. Mathematics, 10(11): 1937.
  12. Yanaç K, Adegoke A, Wang L, Uyaguari M, Yuan Q. (2022). Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA throughout wastewater treatment plants and a modeling approach to understand COVID-19 infection dynamics in Winnipeg, Canada, Science of the Total Environment, 825: 153906.
  13. Jiang J, Wang L, Wang L. (2022). Linear approximate Bayes estimator for regression parameter with an inequality constraint. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 51, 1531-1548.
  14. Salamh M, Wang L. (2021). Second-order least squares estimation in nonlinear time series models with ARCH errors. Econometrics, 9(4): 41.
  15. Salamh M, Wang L. (2021). Second-order least squares method for dynamic panel data models with application. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(9): 410.
  16. Wang L. (2021). Identifiability in measurement error models. In G.Y. Yi, A. Delaigle, P. Gustafson (eds), Handbook of Measurement Error Models, pp. 55-70, Chapman & Hall/CRC.
  17. Wang L. (2021). Estimation in mixed-efects models with measurement error. In G.Y. Yi, A. Delaigle, P. Gustafson (eds), Handbook of Measurement Error Models, pp. 359-377, Chapman & Hall/CRC.
  18. Kandic M, Fernando IT, Gole AM, Wang L. (2021). Incorporating multi-year asset replacement time into calculation of asset's expected annual unavailability due to end-of-life failure. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
  19. Fan J, Wang L, Yan A. (2019). An inexact projected gradient method for sparsity-constrained quadratic measurements regression. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 36(2): 1940008.
  20. Guan J, Cheng H, Bollen KA, Thomas, DR, Wang L. (2019). Instrumental variable estimation in ordinal probit models with mismeasured predictors. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 47, 653-667.
  21. Zhu, Q. et al. (2018). Identifying an early treatment window for predicting breast cancer response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy using immunohistopathology and hemoglobin parameters. Breast Cancer Research, 20: 56. DOI:10.1186/s13058-018-0975-1.
  22. Fan J, Kong L, Wang L, Xiu N. (2018). Variable selection in sparse regression with quadratic measurements. Statistica Sinica, 28, 1157-1178.
  23. Guan J, Wang L. (2017). Instrumental variable estimation in linear quantile regression models with measurement error. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 33, 475-486.
  24. Jin Z, Wang L (2017). First passage time for Brownian motion and piecewise linear boundaries. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 19, 237-253.
  25. Fan J, Kong L, Wang L, Xiu N. (2016). The uniqueness and greedy method for quadratic compressive sensing. IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), pp. 808-815.
  26. Li DH, Wang L. (2016). A weighted simulation-based estimator for incomplete longitudinal data models. Statistics & Probability Letters, 113, 16-22.
  27. Zhang S, Zheng X, Chen JM, Chen Z, Dan B, Yi X, Wang L, Wu G. (2015). A global carbon assimilation system using a modified ensemble Kalman filter. Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 805-816.
  28. Xu K, Ma Y, Wang L. (2015). Instrument assisted regression for errors in variables models with binary response. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 42, 104-117.
  29. Zhu Q, Wang L, Tannenbaum S, Ricci A, DeFusco P, Hegde P. (2014). Pathologic response prediction to neoadjuvant chemotherapy utilizing pretreatment near infrared imaging parameters and tumor pathologic criteria. Breast Cancer Research, 16, 456.
  30. Wu G, Yi X, Wang L, Liang X, Zhang S, Zhang X, Zheng X. (2014). Improving the ensemble transform Kalman filter using a second-order Taylor approximation of the nonlinear observation operator. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 21, 955-970.
  31. Abarin T, Li H, Wang L, Briollais L (2014). On method of moments estimation in linear mixed effects models with measurement error on covariates and response with application to a longitudinal study of gene-environment interaction. Statistics in Biosciences, 6, 1-18.
  32. Wang L, Lee CH. (2014). Discretization-based direct random sample generation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 71, 1001-1010.
  33. Li D, Wang L. (2013). A semiparametric estimation approach for linear mixed models. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 42, 1982-1997.
  34. Wu G, Zheng X, Wang L, Zhang S, Liang X, Li Y. (2013). A new structure of error covariance matrices and their adaptive estimation in EnKF assimilation. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 139, 795-804.
  35. Abarin T, Wang L. (2012). Instrumental variable approach to covariate measurement error in generalized linear models. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 64, 475-493.
  36. Li H, Wang L. (2012). A consistent simulation-based estimator in generalized linear mixed models. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 82, 1085-1103.
  37. Li H, Wang L. (2012). Consistent estimation in generalized linear mixed models with measurement error. Journal of Biometrics and Biostatistics, S7:007.
  38. Chen S, Hsiao C, Wang L. (2012). Measurement errors and censored structural latent variables models. Econometric Theory, 28, 696-703.
  39. Wang L, Hsiao C. (2011). Method of moments estimation and identifiability of nonlinear semiparametric errors-in-variables models. Journal of Econometrics, 165, 30-44.
  40. Abarin T, Wang L. (2009). Second-order least squares estimation of censored regression models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139, 125-135.
  41. Wang L, Leblanc A. (2008). Second-order nonlinear least squares estimation. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 60, 883-900.
  42. Sadatsafavi M, Moayyeri A, Wang L, Leslie WD. (2008). Heteroscedastic regression analysis for factors affecting BMD monitoring. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 23, 1842-1849.
  43. Sadatsafavi M, Moayyeri A, Wang L, Leslie WD. (2008). Optimal decision criterion for detecting change in bone mineral density during serial monitoring: a Bayesian approach. Osteoporosis International, 19, 1589-1596.
  44. Wang L. (2007). A unified approach to estimation of nonlinear mixed effects and Berkson measurement error models. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 35, 233-248.
  45. Wang L, Fu JC. (2007). A practical sampling approach for a Bayesian mixture model with unknown number of components. Statistical Papers, 48, 631-653.
  46. Wang L, Hsiao C. (2007). Two-stage estimation of limited dependent variable models with errors-in-variables. Econometrics Journal, 10, 426-438.
  47. Wang L, Poezelberger K. (2007). Crossing probability for some diffusion processes with piecewise continuous boundaries. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 9, 21-40.
  48. Leslie WD, Moayyeri A, Sadatsafavi M, Wang L. (2007). A new approach for quantifying change and test precision in bone densitometry. Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 10, 365-369.
  49. Wang L. (2006). Censored linear regression models. In S. Kotz, C.B. Read, N. Balakrishnan, B. Vidakovic & N.L. Johnson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Wiley. DOI:10.1002/0471667196.ess1001.pub2
  50. Abarin T, Wang L. (2006). Comparison of GMM with second-order least squares estimator in nonlinear models. Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics, 20, 179-196.
  51. Xue L, Fu JC, Wang F, Wang L. (2005). A mixture model approach to analyzing major element chemistry data of the Changjiang (Yangtze River). Environmetrics, 16, 305-318.
  52. Wang GG, Wang L, Shan S. (2005). Reliability assessment using discriminative sampling and metamodeling. SAE Transactions, 114, 291-300.
  53. Wang L. (2004). Estimation of nonlinear models with Berkson measurement errors. Annals of Statistics, 32, 2559-2579.
  54. Wang L, Shan S, Wang GG. (2004). Mode-pursuing sampling method for global optimization on expensive black-box functions. Engineering Optimization, 36, 419-438.
  55. Wang L. (2003). Estimation of nonlinear Berkson-type measurement error models. Statistica Sinica, 13, 1201-1210.
  56. Wang L, Wang G, Shan S. (2003). A new global optimization method for simultaneous computation on expensive black-box functions. Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, 2A, pp. 577-586, American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  57. Fu JC, Wang L, Lou WY. (2003). On exact and large deviation approximation for the distribution of the longest run in a sequence of two-state Markov dependent trials. Journal of Applied Probability, 40, 346-360.
  58. Wang L. (2002). A simple adjustment for measurement errors in some limited dependent variable models. Statistics & Probability Letters, 58, 427-433.
  59. Fu JC, Wang L. (2002). A random-discretization based Monte Carlo sampling method and its application. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 4, 5-25.
  60. Poezelberger K, Wang L. (2001). Boundary crossing probability for Brownian motion. Journal of Applied Probability, 38, 152-164.
  61. Wang L. (1999). Censored Linear Regression Models. In S. Kotz, C.B. Read & D.L. Banks (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Update Volume 3, 71-75. Wiley.
  62. Wang L. (1998). Estimation of censored linear errors-in-variables models. Journal of Econometrics, 84, 383-400.
  63. Wang L, Poezelberger K. (1997). Boundary crossing probability for Brownian motion and general boundaries. Journal of Applied Probability, 34, 54-65.
  64. Hsiao C, Wang L, Wang Q. (1997). Estimation of nonlinear errors-in-variables models - an approximate solution. Statistical Papers, 38, 1-25.
  65. Wang L, Hsiao C. (1996). A semiparametric estimation of nonlinear errors-in-variables models. Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section, pp. 231-236, American Statistical Association.
  66. Wang L. (1994). Identifiability and estimation of censored errors-in-variables models. Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section, pp. 351-354, American Statistical Association.
  67. Wang L. (1993). General least squares regression in linear errors-in-variables models with correlated errors. In Haagen, K.; Bartholomev, D.J.; Deistler, M. (Eds.), Statistical Modeling and Latent Variables, pp. 341-355, North-Holland.
  68. Wang L. (1991). Admissible linear estimators of the multivariate normal mean without extra information. Statistiscal Papers, 32, 155-165.
  69. Wang L. (1991). Local parametrizations of ARMAX systems with nonlinear restrictions. Systems & Control Letters, 17, 185-189.
  70. Wang L. (1990). Generalized shrunken least squares estimators. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 6, 225-232.
  71. Deistler M, Wang L. (1989). The common structure of parametrizations for linear systems. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 122/123/124, 921-941.
  72. Wang L. (1989). Statistical methods for set-valued observations. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 5, 202-208.    |     Department of Statistics University of Manitoba     |    204 - 474 - 6270